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Welcome to our how to Flow series 🌟 We’re so glad you’re here! This is your new go-to resource for all things Wispr Flow.
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Dictating with Flow
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External Keyboards + Mics
Flow Pro
[Beta] Command Mode
Upgrading to Pro
I already use Fn for something else. Can I change my hotkey?
Where’d my transcript go? It didn’t paste.
Something didn’t work as expected. How do I submit feedback?
My finger is tired. Is there a hands-free mode?
What’s the team working on next 👀
When will I be able to Flow on other devices?
What’s the Flow Bar at the bottom of my screen?
What’s the Flow icon in my Slack textbox?
How can I use this at the office?
How do I add a new paragraph?
Can Flow format in other languages?
Hey, Constanza from the Flow team here. Since you’re here, can I ask a favor?
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