Once you’ve completed onboarding, you should have your permissions and hotkey set up. Then, to start Flowing:

1. Start in a text box

For Flow to know where you want to transcribe, you need to be in a textbox. This can be in any application in your computer — Slack, Cursor, Google Docs, you name it. Just look for the flashing cursor.

2. Press your hotkey (default: Fn)

Once you hear the ping or see the the white bars start moving, you can start dictating. Other ways to get started:

  1. Click on your Flow bar in the center of your screen

    Flow bar.gif

  2. Press Fn + space to go hands free mode

3. Let go of your hotkey

Ta-da, Flow should have pasted your dictation in the textbox. If not, please let us know.

P.S. If you click Esc , your transcript will be canceled, but you can still find it in the History tab.

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Hey, Constanza from the Flow team here. Since you’re here, can I ask a favor?

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