Flow auto-detects the language you’re using to transcribe it. To manually select a language:

1. Right click on your Flow bar and navigate to Select language

Heads up that right now, Command Mode (Beta) and formatting features aren’t supported in other languages. We’re working on it!

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 4.06.40 PM.png

<aside> <img src="/icons/megaphone_gray.svg" alt="/icons/megaphone_gray.svg" width="40px" />

If you want Flow to translate for you, highlight text in another language, press your hotkey, and say “Hey Flow, translate this to [language]” in English.

P.S. We won’t tell your French teacher 🤫 but try it yourself first, s’il vous plaît?


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External Keyboards + Mics


Dictating with Flow


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<aside> 👋

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