Last updated: August 19, 2024
— Written with Flow
To let users communicate their thoughts, in the way they want, as quickly and clearly as possible.
Flow is a voice interface built to make interactions with technology just as natural as interacting with other people.
Our goal with Flow is to build a voice interface so good, it perfectly captures how you like to communicate. We want our users to trust Flow so that they don’t need a screen to verify everything Flow writes, and over time, we can move the world towards voice-first interfaces — so we aren’t stuck to our screens all the time.
Flow lets you speak naturally, and writes what you’d have written, far more accurately than Apple, Google, or OpenAI. Most of these platforms write down everything you say word-for-word.
You speak differently than you type. Flow gets that, so you can speak naturally, and Flow writes what you’d have written.
<aside> ❤️ Speak naturally, and Flow writes what you’d have written.
Productivity Boost: Most people type at 40 words-per-minute on their keyboard. With Flow, most users speak at 120 words-per-minute, making them 3x faster (not including the countless hours saved from editing because Flow produces perfectly formatted outputs).